Now you know how Plantyst works. You can see the minute-by-minute data. You know whether your machine is running or not. And the data not only shows the machine’s percentage of availability, but also its production output. If the machine stops running, however, you have a gap in machine availability that needs to be noted. You can help foremen by recording a loss of machine availability and inform them of the reasons why the machine stopped. The information about machine stoppage is visible, correlated in Online and available to everyone. It is highlighted by a red rectangle below the graph and we refer to it as “downtime”. Downtime is defined as an interruption in production, both unplanned and planned.
Plantyst identifies downtime, adds appropriate commentary about the reason it occurred, and uses this collected data to create a statistical view. Thanks to this information, and classification of the reason that caused the downtime, it is then possible to prevent or even eliminate it. This especially helps to simplify the work of operators. It also allows management to better manage materials and tools, as well as communicate more effectively with their employees.
Creating downtime
Downtime can be set up so that our robot automatically searches for it in the system. It can also be manually configured. When automatically generating downtime, our robot searches minute by minute through the collected data and if it detects an impulse in that minute, it completes the blue graph in the curve, but if there is no impulse in the given minute, it will generate an automatic stoppage of an unknown reason after the time you have chosen to stop the machine. It is then up to you to define the given unknown reason.
Of course, editing is possible, which allows you to set the downtime as unlimited, edit its date and time, add comments, split the downtime or delete it.
View in Online
All downtime is shown as a red rectangle in Online and is located in the Gantt chart below the blue graph. Its automatic generation is set for each measured variable or in groups. The color of the downtime text indicates whether the downtime is not yet entered or already entered. Red rectangles do not appear if downtime generation is not enabled for a given measured variable.
Making entries in Plantline
In addition to Online, you can also use Plantline to work with downtime. Plantline is a service primarily designed for use on mobile devices. It maximizes the user experience for operators when entering downtime. With two taps, jobs and downtime can be started and ended in Plantline.
Summary view of statistics
The collection of downtime data is important for gaining insight and creating statistical reports. This data is then used as a building block for Analytics, one of our other services, which allows you to gather and monitor long-term trends in production.
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